I, Patrick, have been one of the longest active professional bagpipers in Eastern NC, playing the Scottish Great Highland Bagpipes. I’ve been piping for events around here for over 25 years now.

Bagpipe Performance

I've played for a variety of events including:

  • State Events
  • Funerals
  • Weddings
  • Golf events
  • Church celebrations
  • Parades
  • Private parties
  • and more

I've played for a few notable events such as NC Governor's Inaugurations, and state memorial events, also the re-opening of the Bodie Island Lighthouse.

If you have an event you’re interested in hiring a piper for, send me a message and I’ll give you the low-down. If I am not available for your event I do know other pipers near-by who I could refer you to.

Bagpipe Lessons

Also, I have given beginning bagpipe instruction. If you’re interested in learning this instrument shoot me your questions and I’ll help you get off on the right foot. I’ve had a number of students, and would be glad to at least point you in the right direction.

To get in touch with me about performances or lessons: Contact me Here

My Piping Past

I’ve been piping since 1998.

I started off with a practice chanter and a home-study book. I taught myself the first stages (partly aided by my home school "abilities"), before moving on to take lessons from Dr. John Sprague at NC State University.  I then progressed right on into the NCSU Pipes and Drums. I played with the band for about 10 years. Moving up through the grade levels in the band.

I did a run of personal competition as well for several years, moving up through Grade 3 in the EUSPBA. I ended my competition career in Grade 3 with a number of wins with "Above Grade Level" and "Piper of the Day" marks in the South East EUSPBA region. I didn’t do too bad in the rankings all along either.

Some of my teachers through the years have included (all of whom I am grateful to have been able learn from):

  • Dr. John Sprague
  • Howard Sanford
  • Sandy Jones
  • Bill Caudill
  • Ed Neigh
  • Greg Abbott
  • Brian Yates

I’ve kept up with the Great Highland Bagpipes, but I’ve also dabbled in some other instruments, like the penny whistle.